Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Traveler


In every journey, the traveler must ask "was the right path taken?" Many roads along unwinding filled with those that have lost their way. Some forge their own course guided by faith, seeking out a location for a kindred spirit.
Others step together finding safety in the arms of another, a few remove themselves from the trail to avoid the path of temptation, but those who watch the track too closely fail to see where it led them and are often too surprised by their destination.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Child is Born to Innocence


"A Child is born to innocence, a child is drawn towards good, why then, do so many among us go so horribly wrong? What makes some walk the path of darkness, while others choose the light? Is it will? Is it destiny? Can we ever hope to truly understand the force that shapes the soul? To fight evil one must know evil. One must journey back through time and find that fork in the road. Where heroes turn one way and villains turn another" ~ Heroes